A YOUTH scheme which tackles issues including bullying and teenage pregnancy through drama has been given a £7,500 grant.

The Willington Youth Project will use the money to buy a public address system, microphones, lighting and materials to take their next production on tour in County Durham.

The National Lottery awarded £5,000, which was added to £2,500 from the Government's Single Regeneration Budget.

Barbara Cuthbertson, treasurer of the group, said the group was delighted by its successful bid.

"We've had requests to go to various other places in County Durham with the show, so this money will enable us to by the equipment we need for it," she said.

The youngsters, aged from 11, are rehearsing for Heh Child, which will cover the emotions of teenage pregnancy through dance, drama, movement and music. It will be performed next Easter.

It follows their successful show last Easter, which carried an anti-bullying message.