OFFICIALS at New College Durham are drawing up detailed plans for the £18m development of the Framwellgate Moor campus.

They plan to submit their proposals for the ambitious scheme to Durham City Council and the Further Education Funding Council early in the New Year.

The college says it is close to finalising the sale of its 22-acre campus at Nevilles Cross - probably for a housing development - in the near future.

The college plans to bring further and higher education together on the one site.

Earlier this month, Durham City Council's development control committee gave outline approval to the scheme despite opposition from residents.

The Framwellgate Moor development will include a sports complex, performing arts centre, student accommodation, nursery facilities and an extension to the refectory.

More than 140 people objected to the plan, saying it would add to the area's traffic and parking problems.

The objectors are also concerned about the siting of a new accommodation block and fear the development will increase anti-social behaviour by students.

Principal and chief executive John Widdowson said: "We plan to provide a modern, vibrant and safe environment in which people can learn, develop and ultimately succeed."

It would be the North-East's first fully integrated further and higher education college, offering a range of learning opportunities for the people of County Durham and beyond.

Much hard work had been put in, and from the outset the college had consulted widely to establish the views and concerns of all interested parties. As a result, amendments were made to address the concerns of residents and planners.