TOBACCO workers met council chiefs this week to raise concerns over possible job cuts in the industry.

Union and management representatives from Darlington's Rothmans plant met Darlington Borough Council chief executive, Barry Keel, to hammer home their fears that EU legislation on tar levels could force large-scale redundancies at the factory.

Opposition councillor Tony Richmond, who organised the meeting, said while proposals to ban the production of cigarettes above 10mg tar go through the European Parliament, the British taxpayer is paying to subsidise farmers in Greece and other European countries to grow high tar tobacco for export outside the EU.

Coun Richmond said: "The Government is prepared to subsidise farmers in Europe while putting at risk around 600 jobs at the Darlington plant."

The export ban, backed by the Government, is expected to be ratified by Brussels next month.

Chief executive Mr Keel said: "We had a useful meeting with the Rothmans' workers, and we have agreed to keep each other informed of all the issues."