A MAN snapped when he came across his former partner's new boyfriend visiting her house.

Paul Donnelly, 24, told the man to get out, grabbed him by the collar, ripping his shirt, and threw him to the ground, Durham Crown Court was told.

In the ensuing attack, Donnelly threw him against a wall near the garden gate, punching him repeatedly.

The victim fell into the next door garden and the attack continued, with Donnelly kicking him four or five times in the head, until the neighbour and Donnelly's ex-partner intervened.

Jamie Adams, prosecuting, said the man went to hospital with blood pouring from a cut to the head, which was treated with surgical staples.

Mr Adams said the man made no complaint to police about the attack, in January, preferring "to let sleeping dogs lie".

But, two months later, matters were reported to police after Donnelly caused £1,450 worth of damage by jumping on the man's car.

Tony Hawks, mitigating, told the court Donnelly is now back with his former partner.

Donnelly, of Oswald Terrace, South Moor, Stanley, admitted wounding and criminal damage, and was given a 12-month probation order.

Recorder Graham Hyland said he was giving Donnelly a chance.