A COMMUNITY is being asked to do its bit to address global warming.

Collections are being organised across Hartlepool to recycle Christmas trees.

Children in the town's 30 primary schools are also being recruited to take unwanted greetings cards to recycling banks being set up in the schools.

Hartlepool Borough Council, organiser of the scheme, says trees, cards and general refuse are being targeted to reduce the amount of rubbish which ends up being incinerated or dumped in landfill sites.

Environment projects officer Helen Beaman said: "We have never recycled across the town on this scale before, but everyone must do their bit if we are to achieve our aims.

"Many people do not think of the impact of simply throwing things away. With any kind of waste disposal there are environmental consequences."

The council also hopes to persuade residents to reduce the amount of waste they produce. Top tips include:

l Take all unwanted books, clothes and household items to charity or second-hand shops

l Take all empty bottles and cans to be recycled

l Recycle all plastic containers, cardboard and papers

l Recycle old envelopes by either sticking labels over the address or taking them to the council's junk mail facility at Burn Road

l Reuse carrier bags, either for shopping again or as bin liners

l Reuse packaging where possible.

Tree collections start in the Hart and Brus wards on January 4, and end at Owton, Fens and Greatham on January 12. Residents are asked to place their Christmas trees on the edge of their properties where they can be seen.