A TEENAGER is celebrating a double success - passing her driving test and gaining a karate black belt within three days.

Pippa Baker, 17, of Woodlands Way, Darlington, sat her driving test for the second time last Friday, and was "over the moon" when she passed.

But she was even more nervous for her karate first Dan grading test in Leeds, two days later. She said: "It was an excellent weekend.

"The grading was the most nerve-racking, because I'd already had one driving test last month.

"But the black belt grading was completely different to any other grading I've done.

"It was away from my own club in a completely new atmosphere, and I'd only met the guy taking the grade once before." But Pippa, who is studying for A-Levels at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, overcame her nerves and made the grade.

She travelled to London with Dennis Slater and Peter Reese, instructors at Hurworth Kyosho Karate Club.

They both passed their black belt second Dan grades.

Dennis said: "We were confident that Pippa would pass, but it was 16 years since I did my last grading, and about ten years for Pete, so we were a bit worried because it's a three-and-a-half hour grading and not easy."

The three impressed the judges so much that they have been invited to train with the Leeds-based Tradka squad next month, and may have a chance of competing in the national championships.