FULL of Christmas spirit - or Cameron's Strongarm, to be precise - Northern Echo columnist Mike Amos was in a generous mood yesterday.

He was giving away a mince pie and a pint yesterday to every buyer of Northern Goalfields Revisited - the Northern League's millennium history.

Mike, league chairman and editor of the highly-acclaimed book, signed copies at the Britannia pub in Darlington, with Brian Hunt, the book's author. Brian is also Durham County Cricket Club's scorer and statistician.

"The response was fantastic. It really was a case of no room at the inn," said Mike.

The 530-page book is both an extensively illustrated chronicle of the world's second oldest football league and a snapshot of changing times in the North-East. It costs £8.99 and can still be collected for Christmas by ringing (01325) 377463, 0191-388 4607 or (07720) 522435