A SAGA of claims and counter-claims of police misconduct took another twist last night.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) revealed there will be no criminal charges arising from Operation Dollar, an investigation into Cleveland Police, on Teesside, by West Yorkshire Police, into allegations made by suspended Middlesbrough CID Detective Superintendent Ray Mallon.

"After detailed and careful consideration, the CPS has decided there is insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction regarding the conduct of the police officers involved," the CPS said.

The Operation Dollar team investigated claims against four senior police officers, under the supervision of the Police Complaints Authority, and a file was passed to the CPS in September.

A Cleveland Police spokesman said last night the force would study the files to see if any disciplinary issues arise. Its report and recommendations are expected to be finalised early in the New Year, and will be referred to the Police Complaints Authority for a final decision."

Operation Dollar was a spin-off from the three-year, multi-million pound corruption investigation, Operation Lancet, which ended last month with no criminal charges being brought against any of the police officers investigated.