A group of old folk are looking forward to Christmas even more than usual this year - because it will see them together again in their own home.

Six months ago the 42 residents of Church View Residential Care Home, South Church, thought they would never see their beautiful home again after it was devastated by floods.

In June the frightened folk were moved to the first floor of the home, out of reach of the torrent of filthy water that inundated their building and deluged the area.

Effluent from the drains left the building contaminated and the privately owned home on Main Street had to be completely stripped.

Refuge was found for residents at homes in Newcastle and Hexham. For the past six months staff were bussed to the homes from Bishop Auckland every day, and a taxi was made available for visiting families.

Residents' belongings were either sent with them or put in storage and everything else was taken away while the building was redecorated.

Now the trauma of the past few months is over and everyone is hoping to be back in their newly redecorated home in time for Christmas.

Resident Doris Aitchinson, 91, said: "It's nice to be back among all the old folk.

"These people have been here a long time and they know me.

"It's beautiful. It's new and clean."

Walls in the home have been replastered and repainted, new carpets have been put down and a new kitchen has been installed.

Manager Jacky Lowes said: "Every last stick in this building is brand new. It was all done through the insurance but I would have thought it cost a fortune.

"Just nine residents are back at the moment. We're bringing them back in stages."

Senior carer Barbara Barker said: "It looks absolutely beautiful. It was nice before, but this is brilliant.

"It's good to be back after all the travelling we've done."