BSPS Area 3. - Jan 7: 9am Yafforth. Telephone 01642 452439/723542.

Cleveland Hunt PC. - Dec 27: Junior Christmas rally at the Unicorn centre, contact Jane Chapman on 01642 590971. Dec 29: Junior Xmas disco, 11 yrs & under, 4.30-6.30 at Carlton Methodist Hall. Names to Claire Sutcliffe 01642 712948. Dec 29: am senior Xmas rally, places limited. Tel: Jane Holmes-Smith 01642 778252.

Darlington & District RC. - Dec 28: Gridwork with Marion Watts at the Centurion. Ring Donna 01833 637873. Alternate Wednesdays, flat work with Gwyneth / flat work with Hilary. Thursday mornings, flat work with Hilary. Ring Melanie 01325 377484. Alternate Mondays, grid work with Jane Graham at Middleton St George, ring Joanne 01325 721368.

East Cleveland PC. - Dec 28: Xmas fun competition day at the Unicorn centre, 10am. Open to members only. Jan 7: SJ competition, open to all, at the Unicorn centre. Entries, with sae, to the show secretary, 2 West End, Guisborough TS14 6NW.

Hamsterley Riding Association. - Dec 26: 9-mile ride from Grove House, start 11-noon. Members free, non-members £10. Stirrup cup and mince pies. Entries to Mrs JA Weir, 4 Saunders Avenue, Hamsterley, Bishop Auckland, DL13 3QA. Tel 01388 488187. 2001 subs now due to Mrs Weir.

Hurworth PC. - Dec 28: Pony club meet. Dec 29: Party & disco, note change of venue, now Thornton-le-Beans, Northallerton. Dec 31: Rally, NEC. Jan 2: Jumping rally, NEC. Jan 5: Bowling, Starbowl precinct, Northallerton. Jan 6: Pantomime, Billingham. Tickets, J Renwick, 01609 775245.

Northallerton RC. - Subs are due now. Dec 30: Xmas show. Jan 10: Tuition sessions recommence. Junior/senior members required for novice SJ competition on Feb 17 at Honley. Names to Lesley Hughes, 01845 537210 before Jan 26.

North Eastern Counties Welsh Pony & Cob Association. - Jan 7: Winter hairies show, Seagold Centurion EC. In-hand ridden, novelty for pure bred, M&M. Details 01325 355653.

Richmondshire RC. - Jan 14: Show jumping, usual classes, start 10am. Jan 28: Dressage. Both open to non-members, at Newstead RC, Darlington. For schedules send sae to Mrs V Pape, Grange Farm, Croft-on-Tees, Darlington. Tel: 01325 720846.

South Durham SC. - Dec 28: Christmas show jumping at Dalton Piercey, clear round starts at 11am. Enquiries to 01429 274881 or 01429 299154.

Unicorn Centre. - Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27: Winter dressage series. More details from the secretary, 01642 576222.

Yarm & District SC. - Instruction at the Unicorn centre with Paddy Muir to continue throughout the winter. Tel Chris on 01287 624023 for details. Teams required for winter league at Holmside Park. Novice and equitation show jumping on Jan 21. Telephone Nicky Carter 01642 598076.

l Check also Claiming Dates for future events on What's On page opposite