YOUTH leaders have issued a plea for volunteers to help get disaffected teenagers in part of County Durham back on their feet.

The Stanley group, Community Education Service, is appealing for people to organise activities for young people.

Martin Lightfoot, coordinator for the Durham County Council-run scheme, said: "Young people are growing up during a difficult period.

"There is no certainty about future jobs, and they have a confusing range of leisure services, which they have no money for.

"A lot of public-spirited people give up their leisure time to organise activities for young people. It is no good complaining about youngsters - we have got to help them organise activities for themselves.

"We are desperately short of volunteers and qualified part-time youth and community workers.

"Unfortunately, many small village youth clubs are closed due to the shortage of people coming forward to train or become youth workers. We would be delighted to hear from people who want to get involved."

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should contact Martin Lightfoot on (01207) 232565, or e-mail him on martin.lightfoot