THE North York Moors in the depths of winter is a chillingly eerie, silent and desolate place.

Yesterday, two fathers came united in grief to mourn at the remote spot where their 21-year-old daughter was found weeks after she was brutally murdered.

For six weeks, the naked body of Vicky Glass lay in a ditch on the edge of a stream, in bleak moorland near the village of Danby, off the A171 Teesside to Whitby road.

Vicky's natural father, Tony Glass, and her stepfather, Colin Goodall, laid flowers at the place where she was found and pleaded for help to bring her killer to justice.

Vicky's mother, Deborah Goodall, was too distraught to attend the ceremony, although police say they will take her to the site on the outskirts of Danby when she is ready.

Mr Glass said: "I would say to people: don't be so apathetic, no one deserves this, it just takes a phone call."

Mr Goodall said Vicky's lifestyle of prostitution and drugs meant she had very little contact with her family for the last 18 months of her life, but added she was loved by all her family.

Choking back the tears, he said seeing the desolate surroundings where Vicky's body lay undiscovered had upset him more than he thought it would.

Mr Goodall said: "We want to lay Vicky to rest, but our family will not know peace until we know what happened to Vicky and see those responsible brought to justice.

"The truth is out there. It will only take a phone call from someone to end our suffering."

Vicky was last seen alive in the early hours of Sunday, September 24, after being dropped by a taxi near the Shipmate pub in Union Street, Middlesbrough, at 4am.

Anyone with any information is asked to call the incident room on (01642) 301283, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.