A MAN is being questioned in connection with an incident thought to be linked with a spate of sex attacks.

The 34-year-old, who lives locally, was being interviewed last night at Stockton police station, following his arrest yesterday morning.

Detectives suspect he could be the man found lurking in a garden at Stirling Way, Thornaby, Teesside, in the early hours of December 10.

A man was spotted wearing a balaclava by Tony Walker, 32, and his girlfriend, as they returned from a night out.

Mr Walker said it was unusual for the pair to return together, and suspected that the man had been lying in wait to pounce on his girlfriend.

Mr Walker was unable to restrain the man but, before he got away, managed to pull off his mask, revealing a face which matched descriptions of a sex attacker who targeted several women in the area.

In the latest, an 18 year-old was dragged screaming into an alleyway near the Blue Nile pub, Stirling Way, Stockton, and indecently assaulted.

Another woman was disturbed by someone looking into her bedroom, and a 15 year-old girl was assaulted after finding a man in her bed.

A fourth attack was carried out on a young mother.

Detective Sergeant Tony Riordan, of Stockton police, said the man in custody was only being questioned in relation to the December 10 incident at this stage