FAMILIES in the North-East will this Christmas eat, drink and unwrap their way towards creating 100,000 tonnes of festive rubbish.

That is according to a new campaign to lighten the load on the environment, which is being backed by £25m of government funding during the next three years.

The "Are You Doing Your Bit?" campaign aims to encourage householders to take simple measures to improve the environment.

Large amounts of rubbish can be recycled rather than just dumped in the bin.

In the North-East alone, a mountain of rubbish, which will be thrown away, will be created over Christmas, that is heavier than the QE2 cruiser liner.

Enough wrapping paper will be used in the region to wrap Gateshead's MetroCentre 30 times over.

Householders are being asked to take empty bottles to the nearest bottle bank, and to give unwanted presents to someone else, or to charity shops, or the local hospital.

Wrapping paper and party hats can be taken to paper recycling banks, while vegetable peelings from the Christmas dinner can be used to make compost.

For details, ring (0345) 868686, or visit the website www.doingyourbit.org.uk