Two determined, but depleted squads, did not prevent Chesters and Ebchester producing a competitive game in tricky conditions. David Hewson scored four as the hosts hit a rich vein of form, overwhelming the bottom-club 6-1. Chris Maughan and Paddy Gerratt also got on the scoresheet for Chesters whilst Ebchester's consolation goal, from Chris Parkin, came courtesy of a John Lines goalkeeping error. The result moves Chesters into ninth place. In the second round of the Durham County Trophy, Belford House entertained Witton Park. A tight game ultimately saw Belford move into the next round with a 2-1 win, thanks to goals from Kenny Taylor and Joe Holborn. At Whitehill, a deadlocked first-half turned into a defeat for the hosts, as Roddymoor booked their place in the next round, thanks to two goals in 11 minutes as a consequence of two defensive errors.


The following awards were made to club members of the junior section. Batting: Under-11 Greg Dixon, U-13 Tony Price, U-15 Scott Logan, U-17 Jon Grant. Bowling: U-11 Kieron Waterson, U-13 Scott Logan, U-15 William Orchin, U-17 Robert Day. Player of season: U-11 Kierson Waterson, U-13 Scott Logan, U-15 William Orchin, U-17 Jon Grant. Merit: U-11 Derek Steinberg, U-13 Paul Bunyan, U-15: Craig Lambton, U-17 Richard Harrison