FEARS over children's safety in an area branded 'the forgotten end' of Northallerton have been heightened by the discovery of syringes on wasteland.

A campaign to clean up the North End of the town, blighted by derelict buildings and undeveloped land, has already won strong public support.

Members of the newly formed North End Action Group say the alarming findings on land earmarked for a Safeway supermarket is further proof that action must be taken.

Jayne Reed, who says she discovered a syringe on the site and has found several others in the past, said the area was popular with youngsters.

She said: "I did find a syringe on the Safeway site and I have found others before that. It has become quite a little den of iniquity and it is a big danger for young children because it is not fenced off. The area is absolutely surrounded by children, with the west side of the Allertonshire School nearly right on the Safeway site."

Residents and traders started their campaign a few weeks ago and have collected more than 1,000 names on a petition, which they say will be handed to Tory leader and Richmond MP William Hague.

Their anger over the state of the area grew when a locked gate was placed across a well-used public footpath on the designated Safeway site.

North Yorkshire County Council has taken up the issue with the supermarket chain, demanding the illegal obstruction is removed.

Spokesman for the North End Action Group, Ian Watkins, said the path was popular with children walking to school and people walking their dogs.

Mr Watkins is also confident of action being taken to improve the area after a meeting with Hambleton District Council's planning and environmental services director, Steve Quartermain.

The pressure group is now waiting for the authorities to return with answers on how the area can be enhanced and Mr Watkins said campaigners would continue to press for improvements