EMMA Denton was on top form at Stainsby Grange, Thornaby, where courses designed by Brian Chandler provided 12 hours of top class show jumping, writes Malcolm Bewsher.

Emma, from Ingleby Barwick, won the opening 48-starter, 90cm open on Stainsby Silhouette in a strongly-contested jump-off. She finished ahead of Kirsty Porter on A Patch of Colour and Loftus rider Daniel Neilsen, who also took the Mary Reveley 11 years and under class with the 18-year-old Mister Frisk.

Emma's second win came with Stainsby Hotspot in the intermediate open, finishing ahead of Becky Meek on Sir Watkin.

The Krailburg Sapphire qualifier for Solihull was won by Emma Lavender on Emmersbrook Goldie after 26 of the 49 starters qualified for the jump-off.

A good third ticket went to Ellie Taylor and Dusty Brown Boy. The Ingleby Barwick rider is trained by Lucy Hamilton and Peter Allen and will be making her debut in the finals.

Stockton's Darren Smith took the small pony open on Flyaway Peter and was runner-up in the winter 138cm behind Boroughbridge's Jamie Newnham on Willowpark Riff Raff.

Jodie Ward took the winter 128cm ahead of Lingdale's James Reveley riding Cappagh Misty, while the Members Cup went to Carla Bowlam on her prolific winner Phoenix Inuistive ahead of Adam Valks with his great challenger Sagitarrius.

l Richmond equestrian centre held a Krailburg junior novice qualifier which was won by Sara Martin on her new seven-year-old pony Esselle.

Her nearest rival was Fiona Lymburn on W.H. Miss Molly, with other local tickets for Solihull taken by Helen Swailes (Bowes Peter Pan), Jade Pringle (Forge Ahead), Jamie Newnham (Tick Tock Tiger) and Eve Harrison (Kitsmill Matchmaker).

Fiona Lymburn won the newcomers with W.H. Miss Molly ahead of Helen Swailes on Bowes Smoke Signal and she also took the British novice on Millholme Oonagh ahead of Tick Tock Tiger.

Kate Doyle clinched the Members Cup on Sarah Russell's former pony Star Trek Boy, ahead of open winner Rachel Whitford and Firedance Rosie.

Rachel's brother William took the winter 138cm qualifier on Sullivan O'Sullivan, ahead of Rae Louise Farmer riding Golden Fortune, with the 128cm qualifier going to Matthew Sampson on Mr McGregor.

Other top winners were Darren Smith on Flyaway Peter and Rachel Roberts on Silver Oyster.