REDCAR and Cleveland Council is urging the Government to give immediate cash aid towards the cost of flood damage.

The borough's bill is estimated at more than £850,000 this year. The main problems occurred in Skinningrove, Loftus and Carlin How, but there was flooding throughout the borough.

Lead councillor for community safety, Dave McLuckie, said: "We have got to make the Government stand up and take notice of the problems we are facing.

"We could be in a situation where a street of five houses in the South of England, costing £1m each, will receive more help from the Government than the entire community of Skinningrove. "

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has said there would be Government help for local authorities who incur expenditure above 0.2 per cent of their normal budget for dealing with emergencies such as floods. The Government will provide 100 per cent financial help above that level.

The council is compiling a report on flood damage, to be discussed in the new year