PROUD residents of a small community decided to pose for a commemorative photograph on their new playing field.

Villagers from Ramshaw, near Bishop Auckland, turned out in force for a millennium picture taken on the community's new play area, which is a reminder to everyone that people power pays off.

With the help of funding from local councils, Government Single Regeneration Budget funding and the National Lottery, they raised £55,000 in 18 months to create the playing field on the site of a derelict railway line.

Ann Lyons, from Ramshaw Community Association, said money raised in the village will pay for the maintenance and running of the area.

The play area will be officially opened soon.

Copies of the photograph can be ordered by contacting our photosales department, on (01325) 381313.

If you want your community to be featured, call Mike Gibb or Andy Lamb, on The Northern Echo picture desk, on (01325) 505036.