KIRKBY STEPHEN. - Tues, Dec 12. Fwd: 5,494 sheep, inc Christmas show of 4,084 lt & store lambs. Judge: GA Slack. Champion pen: JC Horn, Birks Head (32kg) £32 to GA Slack.

Prizes. - Cont X lambs: 1 champion; 2 B Hogg, Melbourne House (33kg) £33.50 sold to K Ewbank. Swaledale lambs: l MM&E Robinson, Low Farm (33kg) £27.80 to A. Pooley; 2 W&J Ousby, Bents (32kg) £24.50 to K. Ewbank.

Prices. - Lambs to 32kg, Swaledale: £26.20 Murthwaite; £26 Smardale Hall, The Lane Farm, West End Farm; £25.80 Barras; £25.50 Park House (Allison); £25.20 Lythside, Greystoke Castle, £25 Gill Gate, Seal Houses, High Lane (Capstick); Villa Park, Marsdale, Asby Hall. Cont X & Cheviot X: £32 Birks Head; £26.50 Noran Bank; £26.20 Woodfoot (Richards); £26 Greenside (Airey), Intake Bottom, The Lane Farm; £25.80 Town Head (Close) Needle House; £25.20 Elm Pot, Friarbiggins; £25 Roundthwaite (Morland), Buddle House, Rookby Scarth. Mule: £25.80 Fellside, £25.20 Stoneriggs. Rough fell: £25 Ellergill (Steadman). Suff: £25.20 Hill Top East, £25 Roundthwaite (Morland).

Lambs over 32kg, Swaledale: £36 Stoneriggs; £31 Rookby Scarth; £39.80 Cotegarth; £30.50 Hewthwaite; £30 High Stennersceugh. Mule: £39.50 Crosby Ravensworth Hall; £37.50 West End Farm; £37 Lockholme Hall, Milburn Farms; £36.80 Dousgill, £36 Villa Farm. Rough fell: £31.50 Kilnmire. Cont X & Cheviot: £41.80 Keld Farm; £42.50 High Gate House; £40. Green Farm: £40 (Taylor); £39.20 Hill Top East; £39.50 Villa Farm; £39.20 Black Leeces. Suff X: £40 Stoneyhead; £39.20 Black Leeces; £38.80 Terrys Farm; £38.20 Oak Bank; £38.50 Helbeck Grange.

Horned ewes: £16.50 Heggerscale (Greenhalgh), Croft Farm; £16 Greenhowe, Long Green; £15.50 Rookby Scarth, Melbourne House.

HB ewes: £26.50 Bloan Farm; £25.50 Hill Top East. Horned rams: £20 New Hall., £18 Croft Farm, £16.50 Needle House. Polled: £29 Helbeck Road; £28 High Lane (Capstick), Harry Place.

LEYBURN. - Wed of last week. Christmas show & sale of prime lambs. Judge: Craig Iveson. Champion pen: E Fairburn & Sons, £90 each (214kg) to Quality Fare.

Prizes. - Cont lambs: 1 champions; 2&3 Mrs AM Brown & Sons 50kg £50, 47kg £45.50. Suff lambs: 1 J Suggitt 50kg £46.50; 2 SE Scrope 46kg £42.50. Mule lambs: 1&2 Thornton-Berry 46kg £38.50, 43kg £36; 3 TW Atkinson & Son 44kg £35.50. Masham lambs: 1&2 RW Wallis & Sons 43kg £38, 42kg £36. Horned lambs: 1 Mrs AM Brown & Sons 48kg £41.20; 2&3 Walburn Hall Farms 40kg £32.80, 40kg £32.80.

PENRITH. - Thurs, Dec 7. Fwd: 187 young bulls, 187 clean cattle (largest-ever entry at this mart). Sale incorporated Christmas show & sale of young bulls. Judge: Norman Park, rep RP Winder, Blackpool. Champion: WL Musgrave & Son, Cardew Hall, Dalston, Lim X, 150p; res: T Wetherall, Low Buildings, BBX, 135p, both bought by RP Winder.

Prizes. - Cont X: 1 champion; 2 res; 3 P&A Jarman, Brow Top, BBX. Native-bred: 1&2 J Dickinson, High House, both Fries.

Prices: prem young bulls to 150p av 113.23p; prime to 103.5p av 93.95p; comm to 88.5p av 78.85p; prem bullocks to 110.5p av 107.5p; prime 99.5p av 94.54p; comm to 88.5p av 84.21 p; prem hfrs to 111.5p av 105.83p; prime to 99.5p av 93.24p; comm to 89.5p av 82.18p.

THIRSK. - Thurs of last week. Christmas show & sale of pigs. Judge: E Pickard, Leeds. Champion pen & auctioneer challenge cup given by Yorkshire Animal Health: Worsall Manor Farms, Yarm, 69kg porkers, 138p a kg to Jacksons Wholesalers, Thornley; res: Worsall Manor Farms, 82kg cutters, 111p to Jacksons Wholesalers.

Prizes. - Pork pigs 60-70kg: 1 champions; 2 RE Phillips & Son, Northallerton, 111p; 3 JA Swan, Boroughbridge 109p. Cutters 71-83kg; 1 res champions; 2 Providence Pigs, Easingwold, 105p; 3 DA Widd, Easingwold, 98p. Baconers 84-100kg: 1 Worsall Manor Farms 111p; 2 RE Phillips & Son 105p; 3 Providence Pigs 92p.