A FORMER Guisborough man sent a cheque for £350 to make sure Christmas lights would shine in the town.

Even though he left the town in 1951, Mr Kenneth Pearson wanted to make sure campaigners hit the £2,000 target for the illuminations.

"I hope it contributes to a very bright Christmas," said Mr Pearson, who now lives in London.

News of the gift was given to town councillors last Thursday.

"This is brilliant," said Coun Dave Punshon. "The lights are an excellent display which show the benefits of various groups working in partnership."

Mr Pearson's elderly mother still lives in Guisborough and he visits her two or three times a year.

On a recent trip, he called in at the Sunnyfield House community centre where a coffee morning was being held to raise cash for the lights.

Council clerk Pam Batts said Mr Pearson had asked how much townspeople were trying to raise.

"He said he would check to see how we were doing, and when we did not meet our target, I called him to say we were about £350 short.

"The next thing was a cheque in the post for that amount."

In a letter to the council, Mr Pearson said he had enjoyed a happy childhood in Guisborough.

He left to do National Service and worked at ICI Wilton for many years until he married and moved to London.

His father worked at the Blackett Hutton foundry for 30 years, his grandmother lived in Westgate and his grandfather was a saddler.

Mr Pearson's cousin Brenda was married to Ken Drew, a former councillor for Guisborough who died last Christmas.

He has another cousin who lives in Woodhouse Road and many of his school friends are still in the town