Darlington light-welterweight Michael Hall has been praised for his generosity after paying for a young boxer to travel to a high-tech training camp in Gran Canaria.

Hall and 16-year-old Hussain Nasser are pupils of Brendan Ingle at his gym in Sheffield but last month a contingent of boxers flew out to the Canary Islands for an intensive week of training earlier this year. Hall, unbeaten in 16 professional fights, took pity on the 16-year-old who comes from a family of nine and couldn't afford to go so he covered the costs of the trip and looked after him during the week. John Ingle, son of Brendan, represents Michael and is delighted with 28-year-old's generosity.

"I think Michael appreciates what people have done for him in the past. When he first came down here three years ago he had problems himself but now he's settled and I think he was just returning the favour.

"Hussain is the eldest in the family so he does a lot of running around to do things for everyone. His dad, who worked at the steelworks, had to leave because he was ill.

"Michael has a good heart and I think after all the support and help he has had over the last few years from a lot of people, he has had a chance to help someone himself."

l Although Hall lives in Darlington he has to drive to and from his training base in Sheffield regularly but is currently experiencing difficulty as he his car has taken a battering with the constant long journeys.

Hall is looking to attract a car sponsor which would provide massive assistance as he prepares for an expected title fight next year. Anybody interested in coming to Hall's rescue should phone (01325) 505090