A bus company is under investigation amid claims one of its drivers kicked a group of schoolchildren off his coach for singing Christmas carols on their way home.

Pupils from Richmond's St Francis Xavier School, North Yorkshire, were in high spirits on their last day of term and decided to brighten up their journey home for the holidays with a few rousing tunes.

But it is claimed the Abbott's of Leeming driver took exception to the noise, first demanding they stop and then ordering a dozen off the bus when the singing continued.

Andrew Smith's daughter, Claire, was among the group who faced a walk home to Catterick Village.

He said: "Talk about Scrooge! It seems particularly mean as the children were looking forward to their Christmas holidays and, if they can't have a sing-song, then it's a sorry state of affairs.

"However, they were left on the edge of the village just as it was getting dark and, as a parent, I am extremely concerned that a bus driver, responsible for the safety of the children, can behave in this manner."

North Yorkshire County Council's school transport chief, Richard Owens, confirmed yesterday that the matter would be pursued with Abbott's.

"We would want to speak to the company to establish if this driver left the children at risk," he said.

"It does sound lacking in seasonal spirit, but we cannot say any more until we have researched the circumstances which surround the matter, although it will be treated as seriously as we treat all complaints."

No one from Abbott's was available for comment yesterday