TINY bundle of joy Chloe Marie Thompson was determined to put off her arrival until Christmas.

Eager Mum and Dad Ann-Marie Lunn and Nigel Thompson saw Chloe's December 17 due date come and go, and had prepared for a little extra help from staff at Bishop Auckland General Hospital tomorrow.

But just after the stroke of midnight yesterday, the 6lb 9oz Christmas present arrived safe and well and in her own time at the hospital.

Ann-Marie, 21, a care assistant, was able to get back in time for a family Christmas and rejoin Nigel, 32, and first born Chelsea, 15 months, from St Aidan's, in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham.

Proud Nigel, a taxi driver, said everyone had remained calm, despite the last-minute addition at the Christmas table.

"The timing's brilliant. I'm over the moon," he added