AN unexpected celebrity guest caused more than a slight stir on the terraces at a North-East football ground on Saturday.

Attending her first football match was the notorious Cynthia Payne, who shot to fame when her London bordello was raided in the 1980s.

Known internationally as Madam Cyn, the woman who accepted luncheon vouchers for payment in her house of disrepute, revealed she was at Darlington FC's Feethams ground to help whip the third division team into shape for their clash against Lincoln.

Her journey to the club began more than a year ago when she met Darlington's equally colourful chairman, George Reynolds, and his wife, Susan, when they were all guests on the Esther Rantzen television show.

"We hit it off straight away," said Mrs Reynolds. "Cynthia is a fascinating person and she and I have written to each other since the television show."

The three got on so well in fact that the couple invited their new-found friend to stay with them over Christmas at their Witton Hall mansion near Bishop Auckland, County Durham.

Cynthia accepted and as well as being wined and dined by the wealthy Reynolds, was also taken to Saturday's match.

She described her first football experience as brilliant.

Now a household name, Cynthia has been the subject of countless articles, has appeared on hundreds of television programmes and has had two films made about her unorthodox life.

"I have had an excellent time with George and Susan. It has been an unforgettable Christmas,'' she said.

As far as Darlington Football Club is concerned, her pre-match "whip round'' seemed to prove a success - the team beat Lincoln City 3-0.

Maybe Mr Reynolds has found the answer to club's recent bad patch - a little Cyn may just have set them off on a winning streak.