A YOUNG man left paralysed below the shoulders after an accident is spending Christmas and New Year at home with his family.

Michael Rowe, 21, was injured when gales blew down a tree on top of his car, on the Fishburn to Trimdon road, in County Durham, in November 1999.

His neck was broken in the accident and he was in intensive care for nine weeks.

Since then, he has been treated at the spinal injuries unit at Hexham, Northumberland, and his family has moved to a house in his home town of Peterlee, which is being adapted so he can return home.

His father, Dave, said the modifications should be completed by mid-January so Michael can return home for good.

In the meantime, work on adapting the house so Michael can use his electric wheelchair, and have his own rooms, will continue over Christmas.

Mr Rowe said: "Michael has been home a few times since we moved, although he has not seen some of the modifications we have made. We now have a van which has a ramp, which means we can bring him up and down from Hexham more easily. We will be able to have him home for Christmas, and he will also be able to stay over on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day."

Initially, his parents were told Michael would be unlikely to have any movement from his shoulders down.

However, he has begun to regain feeling in two of his fingers, and his right wrist is very strong.

Mr Rowe said: "Michael is so positive, he is mentally excellent. A sign of just how mentally strong he has become is that when he is in his electric wheelchair, even though he has limited movement, he is pushing it himself.

"That means he can have just that little bit more independence, and that is so important to him.

"He is really looking forward to coming home for Christmas and New Year, and for good."

Fundraising for Michael is continuing. A charity football match and social evening is to be held on Thursday.

The match, between the Michael Rowe Select 11 and Peterlee DLI, begins at 10.30am, at St Bede's School, Peterlee.

The social evening is to be held at 7.30pm at Peterlee Cricket Club.

Anyone who would like to help raise money for Michael should ring Mr Rowe on 0191-587 0757