A FAMILY who were injured in an accident on the A66 have condemned a report which rules out a new dual carriageway across the Pennines.

Rod Hall, his wife, Lorraine, and their four children are convinced that the fact they were travelling in a Land Rover saved them when a car, travelling at about 70mph, hit them head-on in June.

Matthew, 12, was thrown through the back door, Mrs Hall almost had her thumb severed and Mr Hall had to have plates implanted in his face to repair his jaw.

Mr Hall has joined the campaign for dual carriageway from Scotch Corner to Penrith.

Consultant Maunsell - called in to assess the best way to improve safety on the route - has concluded that a complete upgrade would be too expensive.

However, Mr Hall said yesterday: "These traffic consultants say full dualling won't save many more lives but, if this section had been dual carriageway, we wouldn't have had our accident."

Agencies and councils have until the middle of next month to reply to the findings, which include recommendations for partial dualling and a 50mph speed limit on some stretches.

A final report will then be sent to the Highways Agency.