SAFETY conscious children were rewarded for their knowledge after beating off stiff competition in a road safety quiz.

Three schools made it to the finals of Stockton Borough Council's road safety competition final after winning heats involving about 1,100 pupils, aged nine and ten-years-old.

Pupils from Ingleby Mill Primary, Hartburn Primary and Fairfield junior schools battled for supremacy in the final round at the Oakwood Centre, Eaglescliffe.

All those taking part in the showdown, in which youngsters were quizzed on Arrive Alive, the children's version of the Highway Code, were rewarded for their efforts with prizes.

Councillor Bob Cook, the cabinet member for regeneration and development, said: "These young people know an amazing amount about road safety matters.

"They set a wonderful example for us all.

"We would also like to thank Jennings of Stockton for sponsoring this event."