LAST November, the Government announced the "best ever" Standard Spending Assessment (SSA) for local authorities on which to base the coming year's council tax figures.

The overall national funding rise of 6.7 per cent was part of a system under which those authorities delivering education and social services received a rise no less than 3.2 per cent and no more than 6.5 per cent.

The Standard Spending Assessment is the figure the Government reckons each council should spend in that year - in this case 2001/2.

Under this floors and ceilings system, Darlington Borough Council's overall figure was £342,000 higher than it would have been under the former budgeting system. Despite this, the Labour-controlled authority has this week announced it plans to increase the council tax by 12.5 per cent - more than £50 for most local taxpayers.

Below, leader of the controlling Labour group, Councillor John Williams, and Conservative group leader Councillor Tony Richmond, give their views