PLANS to build a new school helped by a land-swap deal with a developer should move forward next week.

On Tuesday, Durham County Council's executive committee will be recommended to approve the scheme to rebuild North Blunts Primary School in Peterlee on a new site.

The move follows the end of a two-month public notice period during which no objections were made to the proposals.

The recommendation of approval is subject to developer Modus confirming that it will provide all the capital funding for the scheme.

Modus Properties is behind the multi-million pound regeneration scheme for Peterlee town centre and wants the site of the existing school for a shopping development.

The plan is that the company will build and pay for a school just 400 metres from the existing site. It will have places for 240 children and space for the Howletch Playgroup as well as a private day nursery run by East Durham and Houghall Community College.

The existing school can accommodate 379 pupils but has only 218 on its roll - a figure unlikely to rise greatly in coming years.

The building needs £500,000-worth of repairs and maintenance in the next five to ten years, including removal of asbestos.

Education director Keith Mitchell says in a report to the county council's executive committee: "The proposal would assist in eliminating surplus capacity whilst developing a new, energy efficient school, designed to accommodate current educational practices.''

He adds: "As a result of consultations that have taken place to date, and the display of public notices, there is a fairly clear message that there are no objections to the principle of developing a new primary school building for the benefit of existing and future pupils.''

The school's governors support the relocation but have said they would like to see a county council-run nursery housed in the new building.

Residents have raised concern that the proposed retail development and the relocated school could produce traffic congestion in the area.

If the plan comes to fruition, the new school will open its doors at the beginning of the spring term next year