Former England cricket hero Ian Botham apologised publicly to his wife and family yesterday after a newspaper reported that he had an affair with an Australian waitress called Kylie.

Details of the 45-year-old former England captain's romance with single mother Kylie Verrells, 31, were disclosed by the News of the World.

The cricketer - whose autobiography was sub-titled Don't Tell Kath, in deference to his wife - said in a statement: "This is obviously a very difficult time for my family and friends.

"I am extremely sorry for the distress and embarrassment I have caused them and in particular to my wife.

"I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to them all and would request that members of the media leave them alone.

"I do not intend to make any further statements in connection with this matter."

The News of the World said Botham, who has three children, met Ms Verrells when she served him lunch at a restaurant in Sydney on New Year's Eve, 1998.

She told the newspaper that Botham, who was commentating on the Ashes tour, began an affair with her and then asked her to go with him when the tour moved to Adelaide and Melbourne.

Six weeks after they met, Botham returned home to his wife Kathy, 42, in Yorkshire.

But a few months later, the newspaper reported, he met Ms Verrells again when filming a television programme in New Zealand.

The newspaper quoted Ms Verrells as saying Botham also took her and her daughter Georgia, seven, to Scotland, travelled with her to Paris, and sent her saucy e-mails.

She told the paper that Botham, who was awarded the OBE in 1992, had treated her like royalty.

She "thought her dreams had come true" - but that she had eventually realised he would not leave his wife