A HARD-hitting report into the crippling unemployment figures in Chester-le-Street will be presented before councillors tomorrow.

With the district known for having the worst jobless figures in County Durham - 9.per cent against 6.per cent for the whole county - the report will highlight measures introduced to combat the problem.

The report, by economic development manager George Mansbridge, says: "The unemployment problems in Chester-le-Street are now widely recognised and are seen as one of the key contributors towards the high level of social deprivation within some of our neighbourhoods.

"There is a clear lack of employment opportunities locally which we are seeking to address both in terms of provision of new employment sites and also in the business start-up programmes run by the Enterprise Agency.

"Tackling unemployment must be a long-term objective if we are to achieve sustainable improvements.

"The district's great economic strength is in the capabilities of its residents and they must be given the training and support to compete for jobs."

The report lists a number of measures brought in, including building up a true picture of unemployment in the district, producing a Lifelong Learning Action Plan and continuing the development of the town centre and appointing a town centre manager.

The report forms part of a paper before the development services advisory and review panel at the Civic Centre