A TEESDALE man who has worshipped and served in the same village church throughout his life is to be honoured by being made an honorary Canon of Ripon Cathedral.

Mr Rex Lowson, aged 69, who was made an MBE in 1998 for voluntary work in Teesdale, is being honoured by the diocese of Ripon and Leeds for his ministry and work in the parish of Romaldkirk with Laithkirk, on the borders of North Yorkshire and County Durham.

He has served there man and boy, as choirboy, Sunday school teacher, sidesman, churchwarden, organist, PCC member and lay reader during a life dedicated to serving others.

Mr Lowson will be installed as an honorary lay canon by the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, the Rt Rev John Packer, at a service in Ripon Cathedral on Sunday at 5.30.

With him will be at least 50 friends and parishioners from villages such as Romaldkirk, Cotherstone and Lartington where Mr Lowson was born and still lives.

Mr Lowson, who is single, has been a reader (or lay minister) in Romaldkirk with Laithkirk since 1989 and has led worship for most of the Anglican churches in the Richmond deanery.

A member of the Ripon and Leeds diocesan synod, he is also a substitute chaplain at Deerbolt young offenders' institute in Barnard Castle which he visits each week, a hospital visitor, chairman of St Teresa's hospice group, vice-chairman of the parochial church council and serves the wider church as a district appraisal accompanist for Darlington Methodist circuit.

Mr Lowson said: "It is a very great honour to be made an honorary lay canon having lived in the same community all my life. I am looking forward to the service immensely, and it will be wonderful to be surrounded by friends and colleagues from Teesdale."

The area dean of Richmond and rector of Romaldkirk with Laithkirk, the Rev Peter Midwood, is delighted Mr Lowson is being honoured. "Rex Lowson is a cheerful colleague and friend whose ministry enriches the parish and the whole area," he said