TELEVISION stardom came so easily to a DIY-loving mother-of-three, that she could build a career out if it.

Despite being born with one arm, Paula Wakefield has already enjoyed fame as the star of a B&Q advert, and is likely to enjoy more television work in the future after being approached by a production company.

Paula, 33, from Northallerton, North Yorkshire, who works as a B&Q assistant in her home town branch, has never let her disability stand in her way.

Her role in the advert has led to an international award because of its accurate depiction of Paula as a valued "normal" member of staff rather than a token disabled person.

But all the fame and recognition is something Paula has taken very much in her stride.

She said: "It's all very exciting and I'd love to do more TV work but whatever happens I want to keep my day job - I love it so much.

"I am very keen on DIY, I've put up shelves, laid floors, artexed ceilings, renovated dressers, all sorts."

She has already had a taste of the celebrity life as is regularly stopped in the street and asked for an autograph.

Paula added: "What's really nice is that since the advert several disabled people have come into the store to find me and ask for advice.

"After seeing me, they've been prepared to have a go themselves."