AN innovative project to provide new jobs in Darlington has been launched by the local authority.

With the support of funding from the European Social Fund Objective 3 Programme, £60,000 of funding is available to help the town's employers match the right people to the right jobs.

The Darlington Into Work project will work closely with the Employment Service and local partners throughout the borough.

One of the aims of this project is to assess the recruitment needs of local businesses, explore the skills and ambitions of people seeking work, and create the vital link between employers and compatible jobseekers.

Financial assistance will be available to employers through a wage subsidy from Darlington Borough Council to help local businesses develop new jobs and encourage them to invest in new entrant training.

The employer's subsidy will be in the form of £60 a week for the first 13 weeks, followed by £30 a week for the following 13 weeks.

The project aims to build on the success of a similar employment premium scheme operated by Darlington council last year, which helped 44 people into full-time paid employment.

Darlington Into Work is a pilot project and will complement the Government's New Deal programme.