A GROUP which helps victims of rape in Darlington and County Durham is looking for volunteers so it can extend its services.

The Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre, Darlington and County Durham, is holding a spring training programme.

It is looking for new volunteers so it can open more evenings a week, expand its service, and open during the day.

The centre provides a free and confidential service for women and girls who have experienced any form of sexual violence.

It is aiming to expand its services and is looking for female volunteers who appreciate the sensitive and confidential nature of the job.

Lynne Hinde, administrator of the centre, said: "We would however expect applicants to have a genuine interest and concern for those who seek our support and possess good listening skills as well as the ability to communicate a non-judgmental attitude."

The National Lottery Charities Board has awarded in the region of £60,000 to the Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre.

For details of the training programme, contact Ms Hinde on (01325) 354119, between 9.30am and 1pm, Monday to Friday, or write to PO Box 106, Darlington, DL3 7YS.

All correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence.