A FUND raising campaign in the wake of the fire at Sedgefield's Hardwick Primary School is to be launched.

Parents and members of the community have said they want to raise funds to ensure the school's temporary accommodation is comfortable in the short-term, and to provide further facilities for the new school in the long term.

The Mayor of Sedgefield, Councillor Maxine Robinson, has asked to be kept fully informed of progress, and has decided to give all future amounts raised from her charity events during the year of office to this appeal.

This will culminate in the annual charity dinner and dance at the Hardwick Hall on Friday, April 20.

Christine Lawson on behalf of Hardwick School has offered to co-ordinate the tombola and auction. Tickets will be available for this event in the near future from the council offices.

Coun Robinson said: "This has been a tragic event for Sedgefield, but I am amazed by the amount of support from everyone in the community.

"I hope as many people as possible will come along to the dance so we can make as much money as possible for our children."

Meanwhile, the Hardwick School Appeal has now been set up and donations can be made directly at Barclay's Bank in Sedgefield, or through the town council offices at the advice and information centre.

However, anyone wanting to be directly involved in fund raising activities such as coffee mornings, raffles, table top sales can attend a meeting at Rectory Row School on Monday, March 5, at 6pm.