A DECISION on whether Richmondshire's Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) will receive extra cash to help cover the cost of its new offices rests with North Yorkshire County Council.

The district authority confirmed an extra £2,000 on Tuesday night, but only if the county council agrees to a similar amount.

The charity, now based at Newbiggin, Richmond, missed out on additional cash last year. The county council decided then that it would not help with the higher overheads as, in its view, the CAB had enough cash to cope. However, the office has since changed its staffing arrangements, increasing the manager's post to full-time while upgrading others.

It has not requested help with higher salaries, but overall operating costs are higher and additional funds are required.

The district council's £2,000 will be added to another £2,000 from the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux.

However, another £2,000 from the county council remains crucial.