Schoolchildren were able to demonstrate their achievements to their MP this week

Ashok Kumar, MP for Middlesbrough south and east Cleveland, visited Easterside Primary School, Middlesbrough, where he met headteacher, Ruth Parker, teachers, governors, parents and pupils, all of whom are working to make the school a beacon of success for the Easterside area.

The school has recently acquired a new computer suite, which, it is hoped, will be extended for the use of the community.

In addition, the school has new security fencing, and is driving hard to raise levels of attendance and attainment, which will be enhanced by new funding, resulting from the school being part of a small-scale Education Action Zone for the estate.

Mr Kumar said: "I am delighted to have been invited to visit the school.

"The fact that the new computer suite is up and running for the benefit of both the school, pupils and the community, is a real sign of a comprehensive approach to lifelong learning across the estate.

"This, I am sure, will help boost the fight for better attainment levels at the school - something that will give pupils a head start once they go on to secondary education."