A FIREFIGHTER proved his prowess in the gym by completing a rowing machine challenge yesterday.

Sean O'Malley, of Cleveland Fire Brigade, embarked on the chall-enge to raise money for a trek along the Great Wall of China.

He hopes to complete the trip, in June, as part of the British Fire Service's official team. But to get started he needs to raise £2,000.

Helping him with yesterday's challenge were ten firefighters and senior management staff from the Cleveland brigade.

They challenged local teams and organisations, for a minimum don-ation of £50, to compete for the fastest time.

A brigade spokesman said: "The trek along the Great Wall of China will be physically and mentally demanding.

"All proceeds will go to the Fire Services National Benevolent Fund, which helps thousands of firefighters suffering from injuries and illness, and provides assistance to bereaved families and retired and serving members."

Anyone wanting to make a donation can contact Mr O'Malley, at Cleveland Fire Brigade, on (01429) 872311.