A DRAKE has taken a flock of days-old ducklings under his wing in an unusual twist to the first signs of spring.

Seeing eight-month-old Aylesbury duck Uncle Henry walking around with nine ducklings in tow is an everyday sight at Hope House Animal Sanctuary, near Crawleyside, Stanhope, County Durham.

The ten-day-old ducklings were orphaned when their mother was involved in an accident, but by a quirk of nature the small birds brought out maternal instincts in the drake.

The family unit was handed over to the Weardale animal sanctuary, from their previous home in Newcastle.

Sally Rowley, from the centre, said: "He shows them what to do, where to waddle, where to feed. He's only eight months old himself, but he seems to be looking after them.

"This morning, they were trailing after him up the drive, watching they weren't going too far. Then he would quack them back and they would come running over.

"At night, he puts them all in a corner of the shed and he sleeps beside them.

"We've called him Uncle Henry, because he's not their dad."

The ducks are too young to be rehomed at the moment, but owners will be needed in May.

If you can help, or would like to receive regular updates from the sanctuary, contact (01388) 526375.