AN agreement between Stockton Borough Council and the trade unions is to be signed next week by Jack Dromey, the Transport and General Workers Union general secretary.

It will give trade unions the right to be fully involved in the council's Best Value reviews.

It will set out a protocol for consultation with the unions, as well as the role of union representatives on review teams.

Councillor David Coleman, the deputy leader of the council, said: "It is particularly gratifying to have the backing of Mr Dromey for our approach to consultation with our workforce.

"We do work closely with the unions, and we hope this agreement will help cement good relations with them in the future.

"This is particularly important with initiatives such as best value, which will affect each and everyone of our employees."

Mr Dromey will visit Preston Hall Museum, on Tuesday, to sign the agreement.

The council will be carrying out best value reviews on a number of services this year including community welfare and libraries.