CHANGES could be made to the way Guisborough is run thanks to an idea from a town councillor.

For the past two years, Guisborough Town Council has given a commitment to become more community focused.

Town partnerships have developed, and there is much more involvement by staff and councillors in them.

Councillor Dave Punshon believes the council's political and administrative structures should be streamlined to acknowledge the increased workload.

In a proposal to the town council, he suggested a new committee structure.

This includes the town council and a personnel and finance committee meeting on an eight-week cycle, while a plans and open spaces committee would meet fortnightly to discuss plans, regeneration and the environment.

Coun Punshon said that the council's partnership groups, which cover Guisborough Beck, Guisborough in Bloom, Guisborough Market Town, playing fields and road safety, should be attended by four councillors.

He said there should be two more partnerships to cover entertainments and community safety.

Coun Punshon's ideas will be discussed at the next meeting of the town council, on March 15.