THE tradition of pancake racing will be bringing the community in a cathedral city together next week.

Schoolchildren, choristers, members of the clergy and soldiers are joining forces on Shrove Tuesday for the annual pancake races in Ripon.

The popular tradition was revived three years ago and is now a regular fixture on the Ripon calendar, attracting dozens of competitors and spectators.

Roads will be closed to allow pancake racers to set off from the west front of the cathedral and run along Kirkgate to the finishing line.

Soldiers from the 38 Regiment Royal Engineers in Ripon will be serving up the pancakes from a field kitchen, set up on the cathedral forecourt. After the races, any spare pancakes will be sold and the proceeds sent to charity.

Cathedral chapter clerk Dr Howard Crawshaw said: "Pancake races on Shrove Tuesday were like village sports days in days gone by, the last chance to have fun before the solemn season of Lent, leading up to Easter.

"We are delighted that so many local people will be re-enacting the pancake races as part of the ancient 'shriving' at the beginning of Lent.