MUSCLEMAN Graham Whalley is planning another world record press-up attempt, after failing in his latest bid.

Former boxer Mr Whalley, 38, attempted to complete 1,100 press-ups in memory of his wife, Helen, but ended up in agony after his chest and arm muscles seized up.

Mr Whalley, of South Moor, Stanley, County Durham, already has a similar press-up world record and a sit-up world record to his credit, and has raised thousands for Newcastle General Hospital cancer care.

His wife, Helen, died of a tumour two years ago, aged 32.

Mr Whalley now looks after their children Helenlee, 14, Graham, 12, and Kurt, 11.

"It's a really hard record to break, because it is so fast and you don't get time to stretch your muscles," said Mr Whalley, who made his latest attempt at Stanley Louisa Centre.

"But I'll certainly be giving it another ago in a few weeks."

Mr Whalley also plans to complete 1,000 jack-knives in 15 minutes, while suspended from a helicopter over the Millennium Bridge on the Tyne, later this year.