A CAMPAIGN to refurbish or rebuild a town's swimming pool is to go to the House of Commons.

A petition containing more than 5,000 signatures, from people looking for an improvement to Guisborough's swimming facilities, was presented to Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland MP Ashok Kumar.

People in the town feel the pool is no longer adequate for a growing population.

Sue Johnson, secretary of Guisborough Amateur Swimming Club, was helped by Dr Kumar to set up a steering group, with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, Tees Valley Leisure, which operates the pool for the council, and members of the swimming club.

The group has come together to draw up an action plan for a new pool, or to upgrade the facilities.

Ms Johnson, who organised the petition in four weeks, said: "I am thrilled to have got so many names in such a short time."

Dr Kumar said: "The fact that so many people have signed the petition is an indication of the deep feelings in the town about the need to see a modern pool fit for the demands of the 21st Century.

"The support for this petition will help convince potential supporters from organisations like Sport England and the Lottery, that the case for a better pool is a genuine and real one.

"I will be submitting this petition to the House of Commons, where it will then be passed on to the Secretary of State."