A MAJOR split has emerged at the Northern Horticultural Society's Harlow Carr Gardens, in Harrogate, over merger plans with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Opposition to the move surfaced at a Northern Horticultural Society (NHS) council meeting, which decided to recommend a merger with the RHS, which runs the gardens at Wisley, near Guildford, Surrey.

Nine council members voted in favour of the merger and five against, with one abstention, but now members of the 10,000-strong NHS are also expressing differing views.

No one is forecasting the outcome of a members' vote on the issue.

Some claim it would be a takeover, while others believe it is a way forward to enhance and protect for future generations Harlow Carr's 65 acres off Otley Road near Birk Crag.

The NHS membership is being invited to an extraordinary general meeting on Wednesday, April 18, at the Great Yorkshire Showground, where a decision will be taken on the merger issue