A HOUSEHOLDER who returned to find his home had been ransacked caught the intruder and held him until the police arrived, a court heard.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how, three days before Christmas, Philip Pitt noticed that his back door in Roman Road, South Shields, was open and looked outside to see the intruder making his get-away.

Prosecutor Stuart Graham said Mr Pitt caught 28-year-old Jason English in the back lane.

Mr Graham said: "He heard a noise inside and ran through the house. He saw his belongings scattered on the floor.

"He saw the defendant running away down a back lane and he gave chase. He managed to detain English and the police were then called."

English, of Beech Street, South Shields, admitted to police that he had been in the house and said he had also been keeping watch for someone else.

He pleaded guilty to burglary and three earlier charges of theft, when he stole underwear and a poster from shops and some wheel trims.

He carried out the offences so he could sell the goods to buy drugs.

However, defence barrister Carl Gumsley said English had since managed to kick his heroin habit and was now drug-free.

English was jailed for 18 months.

Mr Recorder Benson said: "You were disturbed by the occupant that late afternoon and apprehended by him.

"It must have been an alarming experience for that man.