LEISURE complex users picketed dignitaries at a council civic ball in a last ditch attempt to save their facilities.

Save Our Spectrum banners greeted civic leaders and their guests as they gathered at the Spectrum Leisure Complex, in Willington, near Bishop Auckland, last night.

Wear Valley District Council is planning cuts for the complex, which will mean the closure of its 70-metre ski-slope, along with a former Miners' Welfare Hall housing squash courts, gymnasium, bars and other facilities.

Campaigners fighting the council's decision to sack 22 resident wardens also joined the protest by more than 20 people.

"Can't they see that holding this ball here where people are losing their jobs is insensitive to the young people and to the elderly," said protestor Margaret Taylor.

"We want to shame them and let every one of the MPs that are here tonight know about it."

Youngsters carrying snowboards handed out leaflets to guests as they arrived at the event where Minister for Overseas Development, Clare Short, was guest speaker.

Eight out of the 25 staff at the complex will keep their jobs. The rest have been given posts elsewhere.

Leader of the council, Olive Brown, said the annual ball would benefit local charities.

"Everybody pays for their tickets and everybody spends a lot of money for local charities. A lot of people benefit from the chairman's charity ball," she said.

"If these people want to get together and try to help the council fund it or even come up with an alternative, we'll listen. But we can't go on putting money into something that is making such a heavy loss."

Liberal leader Chris Foote Wood was one of the guests. He said: "I appreciate why the people are doing this, but really this is too late because the decision has already been made."

Malcolm Bunton, who organised an 800-name petition against the proposal, has approached John Rostron, from Sunderland Sports development Council, who helped to save a ski slope at Silksworth, near Sunderland, for help.

"I remain positive. I hope the council will listen to our plea and reconsider," he said