A PRISON dog display team has given a cash boost to the treatment of children with cancer.

The team, based at Frankland Prison, in Durham City, is a popular attraction at shows and events around the region.

Its efforts have raised about £1,000 for the children's cancer ward at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, over the past year.

This has been topped up with £1,000 from the Prison Service Charities Fund, which was presented to the ward last night.

Team secretary Alan Collings said: "We might have raised more, but the weather meant that several shows were cancelled. We were due to do one at Raby Castle but it was called off because it was under water.

"There is a lot of interest in the display team because it is the only uniformed one since the RAF and police disbanded their teams.

"We have already got four bookings for the new season. It is only the big events where we ask for a donation.''

This year, the team will be raising money for the special care baby unit at Sunderland Royal Hospital.